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Iulia Mirică

illustration & editorial design illustration & editorial design
June 2022 – now
News Graphic Designer at PROTV

Creating static and animated graphics for broadcast and online news and shows.

2020 – now

Creating illustrations and editorial designs for collaborations and personal projects.

2023 – now
Member of the Bucharest Graphic Days organization team

Helping out with graphic design and DTP for the BGD festival (

”Roar War Poster”, group exhibition at ArtHub

My poster was selected to be part in a group exhibition, part of the first edition of Bucharest Graphic Days festival

“The story of a rice grain” project was selected for the online exhibition of Romanian Design Week

Check out my project in the illustration section of Romanian Design Week. 

Group exhibition at Laborna Gallery – “A real history, A possible one and A non-existing”

More about the exhibition on Laborna’s page.

Also, read The Modernist’s article or Propagarta’s article.

Sticker design contest ”Stickere de cartier”, at Cartierul Creativ

Read more about the project in this article

Colaboration with ”Revista Atelierul” for the ”Creative Night Talks” project

Read more about the project in this article

2022 – 2024
Master’s Degree in Graphic Arts, at U.N.Arte Bucharest

Studying illustration and editorial design. Check out the echoes project in my portfolio.

2019 – 2022
Bachelor’s Degree at U.N.Arte Bucharest

Check out my B.A. degree project, “The Story of a Rice Grain”, a picturebook I illustrated and designed.

Traditional illustration 0
Digital illustration 0
English 0
Microsoft Office Suite 0
Working with deadlines 0
Teamwork 0
Adobe Photoshop 0
Adobe Illustrator 0
Adobe InDesign 0
Adobe Premiere 0
Adobe AfterEffects 0
Viz Artist 0